Last weekend we had an outdoor learning, birthday adventure. My youngest daughter turned 8 years old and for her birthday my in-laws arranged for our family to take a private tour of a conservation area's Raptor Centre. My daughter has been obsessed with learning about owls for months now. This gift was perfect. We had been to the Mountsberg Conservation Area before and we knew there was a great outdoor display of birds. With snowpants on, we headed out for our adventure. We spent time indoors learning about owls, vultures, falcons and shrikes. It was awesome. My daughters even had an opportunity to hold a shriek cool is that?!
Then we went outside to check out the bald eagles, golden eagles and the beautiful snowy owl. The kids took some time to play in the snow.There was so much snow to play in. All in all, it was an incredible day. Everyone learned something new and left with rosy red cheeks from our time in the snow.
The last Outdoor Play Party was filled with some great posts. Thanks for linking up. Here are a few of my favourites from the last party.
How Wee Learn's takes "summer" activities into the winter
We love taking reading outside like Squiggles and Bubbles
A great post about winter exploration from The Boy and Me
If you were featured this week, go ahead and grab our “Featured at the Outdoor Play Party” button for your site. Feel free to grab our button and place it in your site’s side bar, or add a link back to our party. We will happily share your post on Facebook, Twitter and the Outdoor Play Party Pinterest pagefollowfollow. By contributing your post to this linky party you are giving permission for an image and link to your post to be republished if you are featured.
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How amazing to be able to hold an owl!! I've never had the opportunity to do that - they only seem to offer me snakes and spiders (which I really don't like) 🙂 Happy Birthday!
Thanks so much for featuring me!
The snow you've experienced is so wonderful, I'm ever so slightly jealous as I don't think we'll get anyway this Winter.
The snow has been beautiful. It has been a quintessential Canadian winter. We cannot wait for spring to arrive!!
Leila - Mud Mud Marvellous Mud
What a brilliant birthday pressie! Really unique as well. Looks like she had a great day. Happy Birthday xx
It was pretty amazing...something she will never forget.