Okay, mama. I have a few questions for you. Specifically, a few Mother's Day would you rather questions for you. I've shared all kinds of fun would you rather questions for kids, but this is all about mom. This is just one of our many fun Mother's Day activities to share with mom.
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I often get requests for would you rather questions for adults and while I agree that could be fun...it's not really my jam. Do you know what I mean? But, Mother's Day would you rather questions and Father's Day would you rather questions sounded like a really great idea.
So, I've pulled together a pile of questions to print for the mom in your life.
Mother's Day Would You Rather Questions
our Mother's Day would you rather questions
card stock or printer paper
First, print our Mother's Day Would You Rather Questions. You can print them on regular printer paper or make them a little more durable by printing them on card stock - it's totally up to you.
Next up, you could totally gift the questions to Mom in the full sheets. After all, they do have all the cute little graphics. Or, cut out each question strip. Use regular scissors or silly scissors - again, it's up to you.
If you decide to cut out the strips you can pop them inside an envelope and gift them to Mom. Or, maybe fold the questions in half and slip them inside a mason jar. Tie a cute ribbon around the jar and you have a delightful gift for Mom.
These questions could be used as a way to get to know exactly what mom wants to do on Mother's Day. If you gift them to her a few days early you'll know if she'd like cake, pie, or donuts! You'll learn if mom would rather have breakfast in bed or go out for brunch. And how does she want to spend the day? Would she rather explore the city or head into the hills for a hike?
Our Mother's Day Would You Rather Questions is a fun way to learn all about your mom, your grandma, your aunt or the mom-like person in your life. Sounds like a great way to spend Mother's Day to me!
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