Here it is. We have created all kinds of different awesome would you rather questions for kids over the years. Different themes - Christmas, Harry Potter, Superhero and more. But this is our most epic edition yet..our epic 50+ Would You Rather Questions for Kids.
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Yep, we are dropping the seasonal themes and jumping into creating a super fun would you rather for kids. Whether you call these would you rather questions or this or that questions for kids - you are going to have fun with this game. The heart of the would you rather game is putting a difficult decision before a person.
- would you rather live 100 years in the future or 100 years in the past?
- would you rather have an endless supply of books or an endless supply of movies?
- would you rather live as a lion or live as a monkey?
The questions can be totally ridiculous or very thoughtful. The point is to get kids, tweens and teens thinking and talking. It's amazing the discussions that open up when we pull out the would you rather questions.
50+ Fun Would You Rather Questions for Kids
So, let's do this. The first thing you have to do is print our Would You Rather Questions for Kids.
With the Would You Rather Questions for Kids printed out it is time to cut out all 50+ question slips. Now, what are you going to do with all of these questions?
How to Play Would You Rather With Kids?
There are plenty of ways to play. These questions are perfect would you rather questions for middle schoolers, tweens, and teens. They become an instant road trip would you rather game to play. The next time you hit the road for a long, long road trip pull out the questions and start a fun conversation with your kids.
Another fun way to play is to put all the slips into a mason jar. Bring out the mason jar at dinner and open up the discussion over a plate of spaghetti. Kids can have a hard time talking about their day at school - use these questions to break the ice and get everyone talking.
How to Play Would You Rather in the Classroom?
Speaking of taking the questions on the road, this makes a great classroom activity. Teachers can put these questions to good use on those crazy indoor recess days or as a fun activity for their students. Print off the questions and divide the classroom into groups - either small groups or two large groups. Then present the groups with the questions. The questions can be used one at a time or distributed a few questions at once. Have the groups debate the question and present the answers to the class. The questions could also be the jumping-off point for persuasive essay writing exercises with middle school students. There are endless ways to play would you rather in the classroom.
What age are these questions for? These would you rather questions for middle school, tweens, teens, adults, and even younger kids. Depending on the age will determine how deep the conversations go. Don't just stop with the question on the page...dig a little deeper.
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