The vast majority of "mommy blogs" are written by women. It safe to say that is a fact. So, it is kind of refreshing to get to know the mans perspective. Over at the delightful blog, Glittering Muffins you will find both. At Glittering Muffins Valerie and Alex explore play, arts, crafts and cooking with their young son. Today we are peeking into their kitchen and finding out what it is like live, play and blog with your husband. (Alex's answers are in black and Valeries' responses are in red)
Tell me 3 things about yourself
I've been born in Germany, moved to Canada in 2004 and became a Canadian citizen in 2011. Technically that's three things already but I guess that's not what you mean...
My love for music (Heavy Metal to be exact) technically is responsible for Valerie and I being together, having a wonderful, frustrating, lovable nerve-wracking Energizer bunny on speed (aka Nico) and blogging as Glittering Muffins. And to keep it blog-related, I am craft-impaired (working on it, though), HTML-mess-trained and in charge of figuring out the technical side.
I love crafts, always have even as a child. I LOVE Montreal food! It's the best 😀 I've moved around 36 times in 34 years.
Are you for, or against, small appliances on the kitchen counter?
Against in terms of looks, but very much for it in terms of convenience, it is just a hassle to crawl into the cabinet to get the toaster, or whatever else, out.
Same as Alex, but I'm really close to ditching them in our awfully deep, dark cupboards.
Name 5 things that are on your counter right now
A toddler (fairly frequent occupant of counter space actually), microwave, rotisserie, IKEA drawer set, cookie jars. There's way more but I just stop at 5 things...
Agreed, but I 'm gonna go in clearing mode soon, getting tired of everything on it.
What if anything would you change about your kitchen counter?
Hmm...everything? Hate the kitchen with a passion, it is tight, it is far too dark and with two people in it it's hard to maneuver without bumping into each other, or being in each other's way.
What is your favourite thing to do on your kitchen counter?
Probably cooking and baking with Nico, even though it makes the already cramped character of the kitchen even worse...
You have lived all over the world, how did you decide where to live and start your family? Any plans to travel again?
Having lived in Germany and Canada (and visited fifteen different countries), I must say that where we are now, province of Quebec is where I love us being. Germany is not an easy country to live in even just language wise, because of the many different dialects. If someone from the south and someone from the north speak their respective dialects, I can guarantee that the other side will not understand a single word! We've lived in Calgary for a few years after moving to Canada but things changed a lot over there, so we came to Valerie's "home" and it kind of combines Canada and Europe in spirit and this feels as if it is where we belong. So, even though the family technically got started in Calgary, it was more that we were there at that time, not so much where we had planned to raise it. As for traveling again, once Nico is older, we definitely want to travel (if the bank account will allow it, is a completely different story through) I'd love to show them places I've been to before and discover new ones. If anyone have any spare money laying around and would like to donate it to us in the form of plane tickets and related stuff, we are open to offers.
Sounds good to me!
Blogging with your better half...easy or hard?
I personally find it easy, because Valerie is so creative and passionate about things that it is easy to get swept away by it and I love to help her where I can and the behind-the-scenes stuff is where I'm better at than the actual crafting.
Exactly! :)Thanks so much for allowing us into your kitchen! Love that extra cute little boy on your counter...the perfect spot for him. It is really nice to hear of a couple who support each other and work very well together...inspiring. Glittering Muffins participated in the Valentine Card Swap with us and you have to check out this post to see what they did with all the Valentine's they received, it's lovely. Thanks again guys!
Well, I'm off to put the finishing touches on the decorations, food, cake, gift, etc, etc for my sister's baby shower.
Have an amazing weekend everyone!