We are having so much fun exploring the art of the zentangle. We've shared so many cool zentangle patterns and templates to make your zentangles inside of - from Christmas to Valentine's Day - we have made some fun zentangle designs. We thought we would take our love of this doodle art and combine it with another fave of ours, the printable bookmark. So, we've created free printable zentangle bookmarks.

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Originally I thought that a zentangle was just doodling…I was wrong. The zentangle method is a trademarked process based on a theory developed by founders Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. You have undoubtedly seen this patterning art form before, it has become incredibly popular. “ZEN” means calm and “TANGLE” means a collection of overlapping patterns. ZENTANGLE is the bringing together of the calm and the pattern. It was originally based on using a 3 ½ inch square of heavy stock paper and a black fine marker and various patterns that turn into a creative piece of art. We didn’t follow the exact Zentangle method, but we had a lot of fun experimenting.
Printable Zentangle Bookmarks
You will need
white cardstock and colourful cardstock
ultra-fine line black markers
double-sided tape
In the spirit of the open nature of zentangle creations, I didn't want to limit your bookmark designs. Therefore, I decided to offer two different options to you. The first is a totally blank bookmark. For this option, simply print the bookmarks on white cardstock. You will want to use cardstock so that your marker designs don't bleed through the paper and the lines your marker makes are crisp.
Begin by printing the blank zentangle bookmarks, on cardstock, and fill them up however you like. I suggest you start as most zentangle art begins, with a single line, or tangle line that glides around the bookmark. Then fill in the void spaces the line has created. Fill the spaces with your own designs and patterns, or explore all of the designs we provide step-by-step tutorials for.
The next option is our zentangle bookmarks that already have lines and voids. For this option, again print it on cardstock and then fill in the spaces with your patterns and designs. This option is really great for beginners. There is plenty of space to doodle inside.
I took inspiration from these being bookmarks and made a few "bookish" patterns. You'll notice the alphabet patterns - one with all uppercase letters and one with upper and lowercase letters. I also made a design that repeats "once upon a time". And, I tried to make a design that was reminiscent of a shelf lined with books. What bookish zentangle patterns will you be inspired to make?
Once you have finished your designs, cut out the bookmarks. I always like to use double-sided tape to secure a second piece of colourful cardstock to the backside of my bookmarks. I find this makes the bookmarks a little more durable and less likely to bend. But, it is totally optional.
Once you are done pop your new doodled bookmark inside the book you're reading or your agenda and enjoy your designs.
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