Last weekend we made our annual trip to the apple farm. You might remember we tried our hand at strawberry picking in the spring...super successful outing. When you are raising kids in the city (and even in the suburbs) it really is important to get them out to a farm every once in a while. Yes, we go to the farmer's market on the weekend...but that still doesn't show the girls where and how our food grows. Our little garden out back is a key piece of their education, but a trip to a real farm has a huge impact.
The best part of this annual event is that it gives us a chance to meet up with friends of ours that live right across the street from the farm! How cool is that?! We always make sure that we are dressed appropriately for a trip to the farm. Boots and jackets if it's rainy and hats if it's sunny. This time we had an spectacularly sunny day.
As we enter the farm there is always a listing of which apples are ready to be picked and the number of the row they are planted in. This leads to the kids running ahead in search of the number...and the apples we can pick!
Once we find the row, the picking begins. Grab the apple...give it a twist and a pull...pop it's in your hand!
Time to fill up our bucket!
When the picking is done we hit the kids playground area - complete with hay bales and a corn maze.
After the day is done we have two tired girls and one gigantic (20lbs) bag of apples to bring home...what to do with ALL those apples??
Looking for an apple orchard near you? Follow this link to find "pick your own" farms around the world.