We are really getting down to the wire now. Only a few days until Santa arrives. In the rush to the big day it was important for us to stop and think about bringing a little joy to others. I really enjoyed receiving little love notes from my girls back on Mother's Day and I thought we could do something similar during the holidays. Wouldn't it be nice to put a smile on someone's face with a simple post-it note?
I asked my girls to write a few notes that we could place around our neighbourhood.
We have been absolutely loving all the holiday house decorating on our street. We decided to place a post it note on the doors of houses with beautiful holiday decorations.
We also place a few "Happy Holiday" notes inside Christmas themed books we were returning to our local library. We think this will make some kids smile as they turn the pages of the books.
Finally, my youngest daughter placed a "I like your gingerbread house" post-it on our family's gingerbread house. A very sweet note, from a very sweet girl.
We have discovered that taking time to bring a smile to our friends and neighbours is an important part of the holiday season. If you are looking for other creative ways to serve others in your community, please take a trip over to check out A Season of Giving: 31 Days of Service over at Kids Stuff World. And, if you are looking for more inspiration head over to Mom it Forward where you can download the free eBook 31 Family Friendly Holiday Service Ideas...amazing.
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