While out on a walk yesterday, my daughter and I happened upon our first pile of fallen leaves. Like most happenings in life, once you notice "one" you see many more. As we stood on the sidewalk and looked around, leaves were falling everywhere. How had we not noticed this change?
Tomorrow is the first day of fall, the autumnal equinox. If you live in Canada, specifically around Toronto, then you know the magic of the changing seasons. If you don't live around here then let me try and explain. Somehow, nature seems to keep a pretty strict calendar in our area. When it changes from winter to spring, generally speaking, the snow starts to melt. When summer starts, the heat comes. And, when it is the first day of fall - the leaves start their spectacular show - turning from fresh greens to glorious yellows, reds and oranges. I know that technically it has to do with chlorophyll and daylight and yada, yada, yada...but I still say it's a little magical.
When I asked my daughters what they love about the fall they had a few ideas; it's almost Halloween (code for candy night), it's almost the Santa Claus Parade (code for Christmas is coming) and it's almost winter. They also said that they love to see leaves falling from the trees and they love walking in the leaves. Those were some of their ideas. Why do I love fall? I love the fall because it seems to be a well balanced season. It's time to clean up after the hectic days of summer. Time to prepare for the quiet of winter. Oh yeah, and it's time to go apple picking! (more on that next week)
What is fall like where you live? Or, is it spring where you are? Happy Fall everyone!