Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends and readers. While I am not technically American, I still do love American Thanksgiving. For instance, my girls cannot wait to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade tonight when they get home from school. It has become our annual tradition. I also love yet another day to reflect on my personal gratitude.
It is difficult at times to think of the pain and suffering of others. When we hear stories of war around the world - I am grateful we live in peace. When I hear of friends who are enduring great illness - I am grateful I am well. When I see people sleeping on the streets - I am grateful for my home.
However, I have been thinking a lot about the psychology of gratitude. Why do we need a counterpoint to bring about our personal gratitude? Why must others endure hardship, in order for me to see the "good" in my life? Do they have to suffer so that I can feel gratitude? (This truly is one of those times when I am thinking out loud)
I find this personal reflection quite motivating. I can see that I need to find ways to feel gratitude within myself. I think this might be a lifelong quest. Along the way I look to other people's stories of finding gratitude to motivate and inspire me.
Earlier in November I contributed to a month long reflection on gratitude, 21 Days of Gratitude. Inspired by Family put the call out for stories about gratitude and they had over 20 blogs contribute. So, today on this day of thanks, wherever you live, please take some time to head over and read through some of these incredible stories of gratitude. I know that I will be spending some time reading through the thoughtful words, looking for inspiration and joy.