Wouldn't it be amazing if pizzas grew on trees? I mean, imagine if you could simply pluck a pizza from a plant growing in your backyard!? I'd buy that plant. Growing a pizza garden is yet another one of our super fun home gardening ideas.
Well, pizzas do not grow on trees...sadly...but the ingredients that we love to eat on pizza most certainly do. Thus, why not plant a pizza garden? A garden full of everything you love to put on a pizza. This is a super fun way to kick your family pizza party up a notch.
We are always looking for fun ways to get kids involved in growing food that they eat. A pizza garden is an awesome way to engage kids outside. What do your kids love to eat on their pizza? Head to the garden centre with your kids and let them choose what you grow. When you're ready to make pizza, the kids can harvest what you need from your own pizza garden.
What to Plant in a Pizza Garden
Okay, what else does a pizza need? Bell Peppers! Plant green, red, yellow or orange peppers alongside your tomato plants - they grow very well together. Bell peppers love to soak up the heat and the sun. They will benefit from growing inside a cage structure. You really cannot beat a fresh pepper from the garden.
On our pizzas we love lots of fresh herbs. A sprinkle of oregano, thyme and basil will elevate any pizza. Herbs tend to like growing together in a garden. In fact, they can even grow in the same container. Don't be afraid to give your herbs a good haircut - they will grow more dense the more you cut them back and eat them.
If you like mushrooms on your pizza you will find growing mushrooms super interesting. Skip the sunny balcony or garden patch and grow your mushrooms in a cool, dark spot inside your house. How cool is it to have mushrooms growing in your closet?!
Love pizza? Check out these other pizza ideas.
Make your own homemade pizza dough