When people dream about their ideal summer they often dream of a dock, a lake, family and the sunset. Check out the picture above....pretty ideal to me. This week I would like to introduce you to a brave woman who takes her two boys up to her family cottage for the entire summer. They typically leave the day after school ends and come back a few days before school begins. Two months with her boys out of the city - at the lake. Grab your pen and paper, Lesley is going to share with you some fantastic ideas for summer activities. Let's take a look inside Lesley's kitchen and see how she keeps it together at home in the city and at the cottage.
Tell me 3 things about yourself
I am enigmatic, kind person who is full of energy - to the point that some people are unsure as to whether or not I am crazy.
Are you for, or against, appliances on the kitchen counter?
I am against them in theory, but my counter is cluttered with all kinds of things that promise to make life easier...by days end, I am working in the smallest of spaces to pull off a great dinner.
Name 5 things that are on your counter right now
Bread box holding popcorn, brown sugar and remnants of bread, kitchen aid stand mixer, an over flowing fruit bowl, 3 half drunk bottles of wine and a cook book
What one thing you would like to change about your kitchen counter.
The counter!! It's a horrible montage of late 90's ceramic...blech AND it's cracking and bits are falling off that my husband stores with the knives and forks, for that one day when he will fix everything.
What is your favourite thing to do on your kitchen counter?
Jenn! This is SUCH a loaded question - but truthfully I like to have my kids up on the counter chatting. Literally, they'll sit up there and chat and question and argue and complain and share things about their days. It started for safety reasons, as my youngest had to dodge his ferocious older brother. I plopped him on the counter - and now when either of them needs my undivided attention, they hop up there. My little one often helps prepare food too, which I find extra sweet.
You head up to the cottage for the entire summer...how do you keep your boys entertained?
Keeping the kids entertained up North is easy! There are a plethora of things to do up North! We have a ton of visitors come with their kids, we make our own lemonade, swim a hundred times a day, wander the bush looking at stuff, go on nature hikes where we collect things and the kids eat wood sorrel, we have lightsaber battles in the driveway, go for boat rides, call out to the loons and the owls, fish, frog catch (my eldest kisses the frogs to find a prince, he doesn't want a prince for himself per se, he just wants to watch the magic unfold), we berry pick and mushroom hunt (my Dad LOVES the wild mushrooms), we look for animal tracks and turtle eggs, we eat on the dock as often as we can, we play in the sand for hours and use the clothesline as a zip line, we go cliff jumping and we bother the neighbors, we create crafts from things we find, we play A LOT of cards and eat a lot of ice cream, we bike ride in safe places, go on day trips to the pioneer village, algonquin park or the wild life reserve...I could go on and on.
How do you survive those stressful kid-crazy - I assume you have those?
Kid-crazy days?! What day isn't kid crazy? We survive with yelling, just like at home. We try and find something to do. Rainy days are hard - that's what craft kits are for AND trips into town to buy stuff.
What is your favourite part about summer at the cottage?
Favourite part of summer at the cottage? The lazy sun filled days...and the ability to reconnect with my kids. Really, I know to some people the above would sound like torture and it's a TON of work and truth be told, some days you don't want to jump in the lake 100 times - but it's just me and them - no phone, no schedule, no computer. It reminds me of why I got myself into this motherhood gig in the first place. They are magic and full of wonder and impressed by the tiniest of things. The jury's out as to whether or not they'll remember their summer's the way I do (My father once told me very seriously, that you cannot control someone's perception of a point in time) but I will always carry around those feelings in my heart. The sun setting, the kids jumping, the shrill of happiness as they plummet into the water. Their smiling faces, and their beautiful sleeping bodies. My boys.
Thanks Lesley! Pretty amazing, right? Makes me want to pack up my family for a trip to a cottage...right now! I was just up at a cottage this past weekend, what a lovely break to go for a 2 hour canoe trip. I hope you jotted down all her ideas for summer activities. While I can't see us going cliff jumping in the city - there are a lot of things that we can do. Do you head for a cottage in the summer? Or are you happiest with the buzz of the city?
Have a great weekend everyone...thanks for stopping by!
Veronica Slater presents says
This couldn't come at a better time. The Slaters rented a cottage (yes, I'm coming to terms with the fact that this involves me!) so all this great advice is noted. Around 20 days is not a whole summer but will certainly determine if we're doing it again or not. Judging by the excitement around here, I can almost guarantee we'll be doing it again. What remains to be determined is if the city girl in me will cope with the isolation. Keep you posted !
Veronica Slater presents says
Forgot to say merci, Lesley & Jen!
KitchenCounterChronicles says
It is very good timing for your family! I can't wait to hear how your adventure goes! My advice - bring lots of wine!