We are getting ready for summer! Only a few days left of school...yikes! I look forward to summer, right up until the very first child says "I'm bored." When the usual, "You have 5 million toys and crafts to play with" doesn't work - this year I have a back up plan. I have created an "I'm Not Bored" jar. Inside this simple mason jar is a plethora of kid friendly options. Each time the kids are looking for something to do, they simply reach inside the jar and pull out an activity. Let's face it, sometimes when the kids are bored, it's really hard to think of something they can do. Here's what goes into an "I'm Not Bored" jar.
1. create a list of age appropriate, easy and fun activities for kids to do
2. print, or write, this list on paper and cut into strips
3. add an "I'm Bored" label to your mason jar
4. drop in the slips of paper
5. store the jar in a spot that is accessible
Some examples of activities
- read 2 books that you have never read before
- make a family of _______ using toilet paper rolls
- paint a rock
- water the houseplants
- make a fort inside or outside
- paint a blank canvas
- draw a portrait of your sibling/parent
- eat an apple
- invite 4 stuffies to a tea party
This same idea can be applied to creating a summer activity jar. Sit with the kids and create a list of things you all want to do this summer. Print and place those slips in a jar. Either in the evening, or on the morning of a day when you have nothing planned - pick a slip of paper out. Instant plans for the day! Ideas for this jar might include pack a picnic lunch, run through the sprinkler, go to a totally different park or wear your clothing backwards for the day!
Parents need every tool we can lay our hands on to have a successful and peaceful summer vacation. What's in your jar?
KitchenCounterChronicles says
Thanks Rachele! I love linking up at It's Playtime! Thanks for stopping by.
Peggy-Sue says
Oh my gosh - what a great idea!!! I have a huge list of "things to do when you're bored" ready for the summer - but reading a list doesn't compare to the fun of putting your hand in a jar and seeing what you pull out! (and I like how you snuck in "clean your bedroom" - how thrilled is a kid going to be when they get that one?!) Thanks for a perfect summer idea - I'm definitely using it!
learning table says
Brilliant! Mine don't say they're bored, they just hover around like they are waiting for something--drives me crazy. I'll be brainstorming all weekend so I can make a jar for us.
Amy @ http://hobbygatherer.blogspot.com/ says
I should make one of these for myself. Sometimes when I get bored I forget all the crafts I want to do, even though I have all the supplies for them.
KitchenCounterChronicles says
I'm so glad people are enjoying this idea! I'd love to know what people add to their jar?! Amy - great idea to do an adult version. I do the same thing, buy supplies, pack it away and forget I had it! Smart!
Anonymous says
My kids and I also had this idea which we have done for the last two summers. Sometimes we "change it up" and put letters in the jar. They each get a turn during the week to pick a letter. We have to do everything that starts with that letter. (or 10 things) It gets them thinking and can be quite fun!
Anonymous says
I used a similar idea with my children, but it was a list on the frig! The last item on the list was take a nap - which was the option you had to take if you couldn't find anything else on the list to do! Worked well!!