We have been wanting to try a little cookie experimentation for a while now. So, when the Outlaw Mom launched her Best of Kids' Rainbow Art, Eats & Activities Blog hop I knew it was time to try making rainbow cookies! I enlisted the help of my youngest daughter and we created these awesome treats!

Rainbow Cookies
Make the cookie dough. Divide the dough in half.
Divide half of the dough into 4 parts. Place 3 of the portions into 3 individual small bowls.
Place one portion onto a piece of plastic wrap and cover. Now shape this piece into a thin "snake"...about 6" long. Keep wrapped and set aside.
Add a few drops of food colouring to one of the small portions of dough that is in a bowl. Blend until you reach the desired colour.
Unwrap the "snake" piece and place the first coloured layer over top of the "snake" until it is wrapped on 3 sides. Trim off any excess.
Repeat with 2 other colours. We chose blue, red and green. Once you have covered with all 3 colours wrap and place in the freezer for at least 2 hours.
Step 8
Remove from the freezer, slice into ¼" portions and bake on a 350F oven for 12-15 minutes. Until the edges are slightly golden
Step 9
Let cool and enjoy
These cookies were so much fun for us to make. My daughter kept saying "how are they going to be rainbows?" It was like magic. When we sliced them the rainbow appeared!
Chrissy @ The Outlaw Mom Blog says
Yours turned out so perfectly! How ever did you do that?!! Love these 🙂 Thanks for joining the party!
MaryAnne K says
These are so pretty!
Thanks for sharing with Learning Laboratory at Mama Smiles =)
Alissa @ Creative with Kids says
Wow, those came out looking great! I wonder if I can find a gluten free recipe that would work for these, I know my four year old would just love them.
Happy Whimsical Hearts says
I LOVE your rainbow cookies! What a clever way to make them - and so pretty and colourful!!
Thanks so much for joining in at Happy lil ❤'s are baking 🙂 Hope to see you again!
andie jaye says
thanks for linking this up to tip-toe thru tuesday! i've always wondered how these were made!
Cerys @ Rainy Day Mum says
What a great activity I know a litle boy who would love these.
Thank you so much for linking up to Tuesday Tots this week.
JDaniel4's Mom says
These are really pretty! I bet they are delicious!
Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas says
these are almost too pretty to eat. Almost! I do enjoy yummy cookies so I would probably dig right in
pink and green mama MaryLea says
Love these cookies!! Can't wait to try making some with the girls. Thanks for linking up and sharing. Now I'm off to dig through your FANTASTIC rainbow linky party!! Yay!
Pink and Green Mama
Jennifer Dawn says
These look like a lot of fun! My kids would love giving this a try. Thanks for sharing!