I have been reading a lot of different summer bucket lists in the last couple of weeks. I love the enthusiasm that these families have put into making plans for the summer ahead. Doesn't having some sort of plan always make things easier. I think so. So, it is with this in mind that I sat down with the girls (and the Mr.) and brainstormed things we would like to do this summer. We're calling it our Summertime Fun List. This title totally works for us. Let's see what made the list for the summer of 2012.
learn about new animals
We'll be participating, along side 15 + other bloggers, in the Summer Virtual Book Club For Kids. Every month this summer we'll be exploring a different author - June's author is Mo Willems. You can join the book club too! Pick up a Mo Willems' book, create an activity/craft/art/whatever related to the book. Come back on June 18th to see and share what everyone has done!
I think we hit all the important points. These things seem pretty doable. In our part of the city a typical summer day is spent at the park, watching the kids play in the splash pad. Love it. It sounds like we are going to have a pretty fun summer. Unfortunately, summer doesn't officially start until school is over at the end of June, but we are ready for it's arrival! What is on your summer to-do list this year?