My youngest daughter love owls. She fell in love with owls well over a year ago and her passion for these feathered creatures has only grown. Last year we threw an owl themed birthday party, complete with an owl birthday cake. It only made sense that for Valentine's Day last year, my daughter wanted to make owl Valentines for her friends and classmates. We gathered up some toilet paper rolls and scrap paper and created these super sweet little owl Valentines.
Owl Valentines
toilet paper rolls
scrapbook paper or any scraps of paper
pink paint
We started off our Valentines by folding our toilet paper rolls into the owl shape. Simply press down on the middle of the top of the toilet paper roll. The sides will automatically pop up. Push down the other side of the toilet paper roll...the owl tufts are complete. FYI owl tufts are not actually ears...they are tufts of feathers that biologists believe serve a number of purposes; aid in camouflage, help in species identification and to help owls look like a larger mammal.
Once the owl shape has been created it is time to paint the owl. Since it's Valentine's Day, we decided to use pink acrylic paint. Be sure to paint in all the little crevices on the owl's head.
Now for the wings and the eyes. Draw and cut out two heart wings for each owl from the scrapbook paper. Cut out two circles for the owls smaller than the other.
Use white glue, or a glue stick, to adhere the heart wings on the owls...the hearts are adhered upside down on either side of the owl. Next adhere the eyes to the owl's face and draw on a little beak.
Once the owls are complete it is time to add the Valentine message.
We made our own Valentine message "Give a Hoot, Don't Pollute. Happy Valentine's Day". Feel free to click the link and print off your own Give A Hoot Valentine. Once printed, my daughter signed her name, rolled up the note and slipped it inside the owl's body.
My daughter loved being able to make these silly little owls for her friends...a simple Valentine that kids can easily make.