Last week I introduced you to the fun of using birch bark as paper. My daughter has proudly hung her birch bark picture on her bedroom door...a true place of honour. But, we had more birch bark and we were looking for other ways to use it.
Next week is Thanksgiving in Canada (which next week will be all about party planning) and we decided to find a way to bring our birch bark to our thanksgiving table. This one is kid friendly, simple...but sorta beautiful.
You will need
1. create a list of people who will be attending your thanksgiving dinner
2. draw and cut out small hearts from your bark
3. using a pen, write the first initial (or if you have room the entire name) of each person
4. when the table is set, simply place a heart on the centre of each plate to indicated who sits where
See, I said it was simple. I don't usually put place cards on the table (I'm more of a sit-where-ya-like kind of lady) but this year I am making an exception. My daughter delighted in her little creations, a lovely addition to the table. Next week we'll explore more ways to set the thanksgiving table using things we find when we are out on walks, things we find at the farmers market and things we find laying around the house.